Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Fish Needs A Bike

First residency of sorts... themes of
loss, gap, regret, absence, failure, indigestion, bankruptcy... let's get beleaguered... the fish needs a bike...
definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result... Only Five Pounds! Doors At 8pm! Bring A Friend/Colleague/Enemy/Complete Stranger...


Manque Manque said...

Can we propose a tenancy instead, as a more ephemeral and less leaden stance; residency sounds so, well, so grand and I think a little humbleness is needed.

Manque Manque said...

Will you podcast the session?

crisp said...

Nope but it will appear online sometime in the near future in all its low resolution glory.

Anonymous said...

Viva low resolution! Perhaps it could appear on the internet, but only as a cassette recording send out on request. If you don't have any recording equipment I will happily listen with intent and attempt (through my uncanny and incredible talent to sound like multiple instruments playing similtaneously) replay your entire set into a very small dictaphone that can then be uploaded onto the internet (I am also prepared to do this for free, perhaps with a 2% commission on sales/downloads?).
