Thursday 10 January 2008

Balls in Courts

A wishy-washy liberal Vulgar Marxist writes:

Laws of Hostility sound dandy, though laws tend to be legislated in the interests of those in power, albeit under the rubric of alleged consensus. Conflict models r us.

And politics aside (or at least in abatement), when I read the phrase ‘mission statement’ (especially in ‘ironic’ quotation marks) I reach for my gun. I know that’s just the Deleuzian fascist in me, and thankfully this isn’t America so I don’t have a firearms licence and only own an Uzi replica air pistol for shooting the cats when they shit in my garden - yet, there but for the grace of hard earned and precariously maintained parliamentary democracy, go all of us.

And to maintain the shoot ‘em up theme I ask that we consider the ‘Der Kunstlump’ polemic from Grosz and Heartfield. primarily because it’s a very fine word to say.

Interested to see if MM develops mostly in order to exploit the merits of failure in pursuit of success via marketable biographies (as proposed in Howard Singerman’s ‘Art Subjects’). Or can it come to embrace/celebrate/relish/endorse failure at a more profound level concomitant with Beckett’s demand to ‘fail, fail again, fail better’?

Answers on a CV/post-it.


Manque Manque said...

Today is a fine day to be a mute referent.

Tomorrow I will make cake.

On Saturday a horde will eat the cake wrapped carefully in napkins and, balancing hot chocolate with marshmallow floaters (packed with reassuringly indecipherable ingredients), they will laugh inappropriately, bicker somewhat and no doubt cry at the end of the film.

It will become by common agreement their best time ever.

The Emasculated Inspector

Manque Manque said...
